Natural gas, oil and coal are the leading providers of energy for most homes. All these resources are nonrenewable and contribute to the change in the global climate. However, Solar Power for Homes is a renewable source of energy that depends solely on the light and heat emitted by the sun. This source of energy doesn’t cause any pollution, there are no byproducts as electricity is generated, and the systems can be easily installed on the already existing structures. You can find Solar Power for Homes in a wide range of forms. The different solar power options for your home are elaborated in the following paragraphs.
Multifaceted Nature of Solar Power
More and more homeowners are looking forward to Solar Power for Homes so as to increase energy-efficiency in their homes. Solar power, in addition to cutting out pollution, also provides personal as well as national energy security because it reduces energy bills and any nation’s reliance on imported fuel. When it comes to using Solar Power for Homes, it is not just about installation of solar panels on your roof. It would also mean the upgrading of the water heating system, application of green building design concepts or remodeling the home.
Solar Electric Or Photovoltaics
Solar electricity, also know as Photovoltaics (PV), involves the usage of sunlight for exciting electrons present in the solar modules for generation of electricity. These modules have the following positive features:
• They require minimal amount of maintenance
• They are exceptionally durable
• They are designed to last a lifetime
• They are exceptionally durable
• They are designed to last a lifetime
It is up to you to choose Solar Power for Homes of any of the two types:
• Off-grid systems
• Grid-connected systems
• Grid-connected systems
You can choose whether the system should have battery backup or not.
Solar Thermal
The solar thermal systems for homes rely upon the heat from the sun and uses it for a wide range of household activities such as heating the pool, heating water and even space heating using radiant floor. One of the widely used systems of Solar Power for Homes is the solar hot water system. It is capable of significantly reducing your natural gas or electricity bill on water heating. And, such a system would also pay back its cost in less than 8 years from installation. The modern thermal Solar Power for Homes are made for usage in almost any location. They can even be used in areas that don’t receive high-intensity, direct sunlight.
Passive Solar Energy
Passive Solar Power for Homes involves usage of heat and light from the sun without installing any mechanical systems. In such a setup, the new homes are designed in a way that they are oriented with the sun and they are examples of passive solar model so as to have the highest possible energy efficiency. The best examples of passive Solar Power for Homes are windows facing in the south, glazed windows, thermal mass fixed on walls and floors for heat absorption and overhangs.
Energy Efficiency
Prior to investing in Solar Power for Homes, you should take the help of professionals for increasing the energy efficiency. In fact, every pound that is spent towards energy efficiency is going to save you around £3 to £5 on the cost of installing the power systems. There are a lot of things you can do to increase the energy efficiency of your home, and these things can really payback in the long-run:
• Add insulation to the exterior walls and the attic
• Seal any leakage or cracks
• Upgrade the old appliances and the heating/cooling systems having Energy Star ratings
• Minimize consumption of energy in the home by switching off lights and using natural light coming from outside
• Wear sweaters in place of using heating systems
• Seal any leakage or cracks
• Upgrade the old appliances and the heating/cooling systems having Energy Star ratings
• Minimize consumption of energy in the home by switching off lights and using natural light coming from outside
• Wear sweaters in place of using heating systems
In addition to these points mentioned above, installing Solar Power for Homes would also help in significantly reducing your energy bills.
Both heating and cooling the home consumes a lot of energy, and that also means having to pay a significant amount of the energy bill. But, if you have installed systems for Solar Power for Homes, you don’t have to worry about the energy bills. A solar home basically uses solar energy for meeting the entire or certain percentage of its power requirements. It is possible to either purchase a new solar home or to transform your entire home with Solar Power for Homes.
Benefits of Solar Power for Homes
The best thing about Solar Power for Homes is that their owners receive smaller energy bills. If you have a solar home, you would be able to make the most out of passive solar designing for lowering the energy requirements. On the other hand active solar designed homes are capable of generating their own power. There are many Solar Power for Homes where both of these approaches are combined together to create highly energy-efficient homes. Such homes require zero or minimal power from the regular grid. And, this is what transforms into lower utility bills for homeowners. The different benefits that you can enjoy with Solar Power for Homes are:
• An increase in the resale value of the home
• A shield against the ever-increasing energy rates
• Massive decrease in the volume of greenhouse emissions from your home.
• A shield against the ever-increasing energy rates
• Massive decrease in the volume of greenhouse emissions from your home.
Active Solar Electric System Types
When it comes to generating Solar Power for Homes, silicon-based solar panels are used most commonly. In addition, there are other technologies also used for capturing the energy from the sun.
Thin-Film Solar Technology
This technology offers much more flexibility and can be used on a wide range of surfaces. However, it is not as effective as the regular Photovoltaic panels. Even though researches are on their way, you would still find silicon-based solar panels being used in most cases. These solar arrays may be of the grid-connected types or of the off-grid types, which are independent of the grid. With this information on Solar Power for Homes, you are well on your way to start the process of turning your home into a system that generates its own renewable energy.