Fundamentals of DC and AC CircuitsFundamentals of DC Circuits : Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's law, Simple resistive circuits - Effect of series and parallel resistances - Mesh and Nodal analysis - Simple problems.Fundamentals of AC Circuits : RMS and average values of sine wave, Form factor, Peak factor. Single phase AC circuits - Impedance, Power and power factor - RL, RC, RLC circuits - Simple AC circuits - Problems.Fundamentals of Magnetic CircuitsOhm's law of magnetic circuit, Simple and composite magnetic circuits, Effect of air gap - Leakage factor - fringing effect - Simple problems. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction - Self and Mutually induced EMF - Statically and Dynamically induced EMF - Simple problems.DC Machines and TransformersDC Machine : Construction - EMF equation of DC generator - Types of generators and motors - Characteristics.Transformer : Construction - EMF equation - Transformation ratio - Types of transformers - Instrumentation transformer.Induction MachinesThree Phase Induction Motor : Construction, Types - Principle of operation - Torque equation - Slip Vs Torque characteristics of cage and wound rotor.Single Phase Induction Motor : Principle of operation-Types - Applications.Power SuppliesHalf wave and full wave rectifiers - Bridge rectifier - Types of filters - Voltage regular - Introduction to SMPS and UPS.
theoretical and experimental skills and experiences in the following areas: basic circuit analysis and measurement, first- and second-order transients, steady-state ac circuits, resonance and frequency response, digital logic circuits, microcontrollers (68HC11), computer-based instrumentation, diode circuits, electronic amplifiers, field-effect and bipolar junction transistors, operational amplifiers, ac and dc machines, and more.For engineers or any other professionals who need a solid foundation in the basics of circuits, digital systems, analog electronics, and electromechanic
Fundamentals of DC and AC CircuitsFundamentals of DC Circuits : Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's law, Simple resistive circuits - Effect of series and parallel resistances - Mesh and Nodal analysis - Simple problems.Fundamentals of AC Circuits : RMS and average values of sine wave, Form factor, Peak factor. Single phase AC circuits - Impedance, Power and power factor - RL, RC, RLC circuits - Simple AC circuits - Problems.Fundamentals of Magnetic CircuitsOhm's law of magnetic circuit, Simple and composite magnetic circuits, Effect of air gap - Leakage factor - fringing effect - Simple problems. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction - Self and Mutually induced EMF - Statically and Dynamically induced EMF - Simple problems.DC Machines and TransformersDC Machine : Construction - EMF equation of DC generator - Types of generators and motors - Characteristics.Transformer : Construction - EMF equation - Transformation ratio - Types of transformers - Instrumentation transformer.Induction MachinesThree Phase Induction Motor : Construction, Types - Principle of operation - Torque equation - Slip Vs Torque characteristics of cage and wound rotor.Single Phase Induction Motor : Principle of operation-Types - Applications.Power SuppliesHalf wave and full wave rectifiers - Bridge rectifier - Types of filters - Voltage regular - Introduction to SMPS and UPS.
Prentice Hall, 2005 - 880 pages
p>THE BOOK THAT MAKES ELECTRONICS MAKE SENSEThis intuitive, applications-driven guide to electronics for hobbyists, engineers, and students doesn't overload readers with technical detail. Instead, it tells you-and shows you-what basic and advanced electronics parts and components do, and how they work. Chock-full of illustrations, "Practical Electronics for Inventors" offers over 750 hand-drawn images that provide clear, detailed instructions that can help turn theoretical ideas into real-life inventions and gadgets.<p>CRYSTAL CLEAR AND COMPREHENSIVECovering the entire field of electronics, from basics through analog and digital, AC and DC, integrated circuits (ICs), semiconductors, stepper motors and servos, LCD displays, and various input/output devices, this guide even includes a full chapter on the latest microcontrollers. A favorite memory-jogger for working electronics engineers, Practical Electronics for Inventors is also the ideal manual for those just getting started in circuit design. If you want to succeed in turning your ideas into workable electronic gadgets and inventions, is THE book.Starting with a light review of electronics history, physics, and math, the book provides an easy-to-understand overview of all major electronic elements, including: Basic passive components o Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers o Discrete passive circuits o Current-limiting networks, voltage dividers, filter circuits, attenuators o Discrete active devices o Diodes, transistors, thrysistors o Microcontrollers o Rectifiers, amplifiers, modulators, mixers, voltage regulators <p>ENTHUSIASTIC READERS HELPED US MAKE THISBOOK EVEN BETTERThis revised, improved, and completely updated second edition reflects suggestions offered by the loyal hobbyists and inventors who made the first edition a bestseller. Reader-suggested improvements in this guide include: Thoroughly expanded and improved theory chapterNew sections covering test equipment, optoelectronics, microcontroller circuits, and moreNew and revised drawingsAnswered problems throughout the book<p>"Practical Electronics for Inventors" takes you through reading schematics, building and testing prototypes, purchasing electronic components, and safe work practices. You'll find all thisin a guide that's destined .
This is a superb source of quickly accessible information on the whole area of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, including Electromagnetic Fields, Networks, Signals & Systems, Digital and Analog Electronics, and Power Supplies. Students will find this book a reliable and most effective tool for the solution of problems and exercises. For electrical engineers, it serves as a concise and quick reference. Each chapter is a self-contained unit, comprising all important expressions, formulas, rules and theorems, as well as many examples and applications. Extensive appendices provide much useful supplementary information. Figures, tables and frames are used to create a very clear and concise layout that makes finding essential information fast and easy.
<p>For undergraduate introductory or survey courses in electrical engineering. </p> <p> </p> <p>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, 5/e helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the overall learning process. Circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics are covered. A wide variety of pedagogical features stimulate student interest and engender awareness of the material's relevance to their chosen profession.</p>
For undergraduate introductory or survey courses in electrical engineering.This reliable text helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the overall learning process. Circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics are covered. A wide variety of pedagogical features stimulate student interest and engender awareness of the material's relevance to their chosen profession.
The creation of a European liberalized electricity internal market and EU commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto Protocol) and for the use of renewable energy generation technologies induce new important constraints and problems on the electric power systems in Europe. This then creates the need for more research and development to engage with these new challenges in order to preserve the reliability of these systems. This book aims to provide advanced tools, covering major aspects, for people involved with such research and development.
Split into two parts (the first covering the operation and control of electric power systems and the second the stability and defence of electric power systems), this book gathers together contributions from numerous well-known European specialists in academia and the electrical industry and will be an illuminating read for those involved in this field or who have some knowledge of the fundamental notions.
Split into two parts (the first covering the operation and control of electric power systems and the second the stability and defence of electric power systems), this book gathers together contributions from numerous well-known European specialists in academia and the electrical industry and will be an illuminating read for those involved in this field or who have some knowledge of the fundamental notions.
Electric Power Systems explains and illustrates how the electric grid works in a clear, straightforward style that makes highly technical material accessible. It begins with a thorough discussion of the underlying physical concepts of electricity, circuits, and complex power that serves as a foundation for more advanced material. Readers are then introduced to the main components of electric power systems, including generators, motors and other appliances, and transmission and distribution equipment such as power lines, transformers, and circuit breakers. The author explains how a whole power system is managed and coordinated, analyzed mathematically, and kept stable and reliable.
The creation of a European liberalized electricity internal market and EU commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto Protocol) and for the use of renewable energy generation technologies induce new important constraints and problems on the electric power systems in Europe. This then creates the need for more research and development to engage with these new challenges in order to preserve the reliability of these systems. This book aims to provide advanced tools, covering major aspects, for people involved with such research and development.
Split into two parts (the first covering the operation and control of electric power systems and the second the stability and defence of electric power systems), this book gathers together contributions from numerous well-known European specialists in academia and the electrical industry and will be an illuminating read for those involved in this field or who have some knowledge of the fundamental notions
Split into two parts (the first covering the operation and control of electric power systems and the second the stability and defence of electric power systems), this book gathers together contributions from numerous well-known European specialists in academia and the electrical industry and will be an illuminating read for those involved in this field or who have some knowledge of the fundamental notions
The field of electrical engineering has become increasingly diversified, resulting in a spectrum of emerging topics - from microelectromechanics to light-wave technology. Keeping pace with progressing technology, and covering the scope of related subjects, Electric Power Systems provides introductory, fundamental knowledge in several areas. The text focuses on three major points: Power flow Fault calculations Power systems stability Using commercially available software packages, Electric Power Systems includes illustrative computer solutions for both utility and industrial systems. Chapters discuss: basic concepts relating to power and energy ac circuit analysis - emphasizing three-phase circuits various components of a power system and their simplified models single-line and reactance diagrams representing a power system with the interconnecting components power flow balanced and unbalanced fault calculations power system protection analytical and numerical solutions to power system stability problems economic power dispatch and control of power systems Written in a clear, lively style, Electric Power Systems illustrates its concepts and methods with many examples, inspired by real-life applications. This work exceptionally fills the need for a textbook teaching the subject in a one-semester sequence.
The new edition of Power Systems Analysis and Design text provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts of power systems along with tools to aid them in applying these skills to real world situations. Physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to mathematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field.